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VSEN8F9LLDDirectory and Site field in Find Room (s) dialog are not sticky across sessions
ABUI838M4GFixes issue where the Day at a Glance view does not update when a delegate updates a calendar entry
FPAI8R3KWDFixed an issue where the summarized calendar views gave no indication at to what "Today" is.
NBRR8S4QYTUpdated timezone and DST information for the Notes standard client to include tzdata2012b. Please see this link for details on timezone updates:...
MMII8KC9MM Fixed an issue where Calendar autoprocessing was failing when using iNotes Lite mode.
CSMH7BXSBGSPR# CSMH7BXSBG -As part of the C&S API work in 8.5.4, the iCalendar export code was changed to export repeating meetings as an RRULE (where...
SDOY8S6M75Addressed problems with iNotes delegation actions not executing in deployment configurations using Tivoli Access Manager.
GKLA8XZU4JFixes an issue where Day At A Glance was not being properly refreshed after a meeting was rescheduled.
JFOR8XEQYTUpdated Time Zone tables to reflect Microsoft December 2011 Cumulative Time Zone Update
VSEN8N7J3BUpdated time zone tables to reflect Russian time zone changes.
SQZO83U4F4Fixes a problem where Private All Day events and Anniversaries which were marked Private, are visible to a delegated user. New notes.in: ...
TSHI8TMEKAFixes an issue where a delegated user sees a private meeting after reachedules are batch processed.
TSHI92U9X7Fixes an interoperability problem where a private meeting accepted and rescheduled between two users becomes visible to a third delegated...
KKOO8TBGRDFixed problems where quota check was not properly working in the classic meeting form. Invite was not sent even though quota was within...
KKOO8TBFK6Fixed problems where quota check was not working properly in the classic meeting form.
THIO8R3AQ9Fixed a delegation problem where the "Mark Private" setting on a Calendar invitation originiating from a Notes user was not being honored properly...
LNGN93QSF8Fixes issue where when a private meeting is sent from the Notes client, and
accepted from the iNotes client, the private meeting becomes visible to...
RJAS8UAS4B Addressed C&S workflow failure scenarios due to browser pop up blocking enforcement. All dialogs are now in line HTML light...
MLEY8N2KUXFixed displayed issue when opening "Other's Calendar" when accessing iNotes from a Mail-In Db. This is a regresion in 8.5.2
MBLT7PFDWYCorrect repeated invitations so they do not always display '(Wiederholend)' when using a German template.
ANIA923C4PAddressed specific calendar workflow scenario where the invitees' alternate name is incorrect after an update notice.
PPET8ZNMZWAdded "Find Room" action to iNotes calendar form
THIO8VT98D Corrected iNotes calendar workflow behavior when using accepting invitations from Preview.
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